In-person meeting at Skateraw Hall, Newtonhill. 18-05-22
POLICING: PC Marc Camus gave his final update to the NMCCC. Several thefts across the area, including copper wiring and dumper truck parts. Owners of equipment like mini diggers were urged to install tracking chips. An enquiry was made about any action against the owner of an aggressive dog in the area. More information will come back to the next meeting, but in the meantime the advice is to always contact the local dog warden* about any incidents. PC Camus was thanked for his presence at meetings and wished well on his retirement.
*Dog Warden (South)
Aberdeenshire Council
Environmental Health
Arduthie Road
AB39 2DQ
Telephone: 01467 539039
The Peace Sign by Muchalls has had an expert inspect it. Work to restore it should take place over the summer.
The Aberdeen South Access Panel has started up again, with representation from the NMCCC. It looks at issues such as dropped kerbs, wheelchair access, disabled toilets.
The proposed pull-out section for the Newsey was discussed. Aside from questions relating to the Local Place Plan, feedback on where to spend developer contributions will be sought.
The meeting expressed a desire for increasing the hours and activities at Newtonhill Library. With the old library building no longer fit for purpose, it was suggested that perhaps a larger library area could be incorporated in the Bettridge Centre if phase 3 (expansion) is ever undertaken.
Barratts development – still no date for the link road to be opened. The storage compound for the development is currently sitting on where the road should be.
The survey of the underpass to Cammachmore and Chapelton will not be undertaken until near the end of the year. A new team at Aberdeenshire Council has been formed to tackle projects such as these, and will need to work through a backlog of cases first.
The tennis courts need revamping – especially the fencing surrounding it. Match funding from the council’s area budget was suggested. Live Life Aberdeenshire might have some interest, but it was pointed out that the village, not the council, owns the courts.
The local area leaflet is progressing well. It is anticipated that it might be published in July, with the plastic disks and posts for points of interest also up at that point.
The new councillors present (myself, Cllr Victor and Cllr Burnett) were welcomed, with extra explanations of area issues given to the two who were new to the meetings. The next meeting will be the AGM on the 15th June, which will see the retirement of Rob Peaker and chair Michael Morgan.
[…] New Liberal Democrat councillor Mel Sullivan has provided a summary of the key issues discussed at Wednesday’s meetings. More here:… […]