Zoom meeting 16-05-22
POLICING: PC Marc Camus gave his final update to the NKRCC. Several thefts across the area, including copper wiring and dumper truck parts. In the latter case, it was unclear when the theft had occurred. A handful of driving offences had been detected, including two of driving under the influence. Sadly, some of the cherry trees donated to Stonehaven by the Japanese embassy have been deliberately damaged. Two children were responsible for at least one tree, but would not have been capable of damaging all. PC Camus was thanked for his presence at meetings and wished well on his retirement.
COUNCILLORS: Three of the new councillors were present (myself, Cllr Burnett, Cllr Aitchison) and were warmly welcomed.
PLANNING: Nothing of interest to report.
TEMPLARS KIRKYARD (MARYCULTER): The council has allocated some funding this financial year to get the graveyard tidied up. A bench is also available – no confirmation yet when that will be sent over. A brown tourist sign from Visit Scotland would cost £130 a year. It was felt that this wasn’t for the NKRCC to fund. Suggestions of seeking involvement from Archaeology Scotland or Aberdeenshire council’s archaeologist for help to preserve the headstones.
ROADS: Temporary repairs to Cookney Road were carried out before the local elections. Once the roads department has published its plan of works for the summer, the CC would appreciate an update from councillors. Chapelton road names (discussed the previous meeting here) would only be used once, to save any confusion for emergency services. Aberdeenshire Council has asked ALL community councils to come up with appropriate potential street names for their area for when the occassion arises. This list would be refreshed as necessary.
BROADBAND: No discernible progress made.
WAR MEMORIALS: New councillors brought up to date with the rust problems (see photo below).
DEVELOPER CONTRIBUTIONS: Approximately £1700 is available for community and sports in the area. It was agreed that this should go to Corbie Hall.
AGM/MEETINGS: The NKRCC wishes to return to in-person meetings to hopefully restore attendance from members of the public to pre-pandemic levels. Corbie Hall, Cookney Hall and Chapelton’s Hut were all suggested as venues. The decision will be made at the AGM next month. Four spaces are available for community councillors. Forms available here
JUBILEE: No local plans known of, bar Chapelton residents’ picnic.
SOUTH DEESIDE VIEW: Any interest in restarting a print edition of the local community magazine? Volunteers needed.
PLANT SALE: This needs some volunteers to take it forward for next spring. This will be raised again in October, to give plenty of time.
NEXT MEETING will be the AGM at Corbie Hall on the 20th June, 7:30pm
Thank you for the full update, Mel.
I’m sorry to hear that PC Marc Camus is retiring. He has been a breath of fresh air.
[…] A great round-up from new Liberal Democrat councillor Mel Sullivan from last night’s meeting of the North Kincardine Rural Community Council: https://melsullivan.mycouncillor.org.uk/2022/05/16/north-kincardine-rural-community-council-nkrcc/?f… […]