North Kincardine Rural Community Council – August ’22

Last night I attended the NKRCC meeting at Cookney Hall. Cllr Burnett was also in attendance, as were quite a few members of the public.

Planning matters took up the bulk of the meeting. Residents from Altries Wood were present to express their opposition to the proposal by developers to building another 45 houses, rather than the 10 they originally planned. No planning application for this area is ‘live’ at the moment. I advised that any objections to planning applications need to reference specific planning rules, rather than being an emotional argument. Councillors and council officers are not allowed to make judgements based on feelings, but on how the proposal fits the current rules and Local Development Plan.

The recycling centre at Portlethen has a proposed expansion. Concerns raised that the solar panels would be in the wrong place for maximum benefit, and also that the expansion would encroach on the green belt. Comments are due in by the 8th of September, so the committee will discuss this further and decide on a response.

There has been good communication with community councils during the development of the incoming Local Development Plan. No major changes to our area have been made by the Scottish Reporter, and it is expected that the new plan will be adopted by the council later next month.

Information has now come back about the Blairs developer obligations. The path to the footbridge site should have been started after the 23rd house was built and the bridge itself should have been built after the 40th house was completed. The development is now at 43 houses. A bond (of unspecified value in the information given) should also have been transferred by now. The planning department is looking at its enforcement options and I will follow up on this.

Templars Kirkyard – the council will keep the maintenance of this area, rather than passing it to the CC, as they have concerns over the proper preservation of the headstones and of some rare yellow snowdrops that grow there. The CC will be asking Landscape Services to put a bench in an appropriate spot either in or at the entrance to the gravesite.

The current head of Lairhillock Primary is moving to another position. Interviews for his replacement should be held on the 1st September.

Chapelton road naming – one extra road needs a name just now. ‘Aikman’ was proposed, but I sent in an objection. Extra time was granted to allow the CC to discuss this. The problem I have is that the person this is intended to honour (a VC recipient from the India Mutiny) should not be considered in this day and age. Naming a road after someone who got his award for occupying India and killing people fighting for independence isn’t appropriate. The person also had no connection to this area. The CC agreed with me that a better, local name should be used instead. The Chair had been informed that this name was actually suggested due to an Aberdeenshire Council policy of going through all the Victoria Cross recipients. This is the first I’d heard of it – again, something to follow up!

The South Deeside View is looking for a new name, more distributers and more people for the team. The proposal is to produce a simple A4 printed newsletter, perhaps folded and stapled if several pages of content are produced. There will be no advertising in the first issue, which would probably go out in the spring (or autumn if volunteers come forward quickly enough).

The dangerous section of road near the Ardoe House Hotel has had 40mph signs put up, and will be resurfaced with high-friction coating this season. Unfortunately, local residents pointed out that the signs are in the wrong places – too close to the danger zone and to each other. Another accident occurred yesterday. I suggested that a site visit with an appropriate officer and a representative with the CC would be useful. That was thought a good idea, so another job on my to-do list is to email and ask!

There will be a first aid (full day) course held at Cookney Hall on the 30th September. Five places are still available.

Deer poaching – PC Charnley is both the community officer for this area and the wildlife crime officer. Unfortunately he couldn’t come to the meeting this time, but should be present next month. There was a request to find out what the outcome was for the deer poachers who were identified and had their firearms confiscated.

The next CC meeting will be at 7:30pm on the 19th September. All CC meetings this year will be held in Cookney Hall.

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