North Kincardine Rural Community Council

On Monday 20th June I attended the AGM and regular monthly meeting of the NKRCC, in person (Corbie Hall) for the first time since the pandemic started. They have a very comprehensive website NKRCC – North Kincardine Rural Community Council with information, past minutes and police reports.

Slow progress still on the broadband rollout. You can find out information on this here

War memorials – a work party will be organised after the summer to clean them up. The Cookney one needs some minor repairs.

The Cookney Cuppa – part of the Jubilee celebrations – raised around £120 for charity.

South Deeside View – the biannual community magazine hasn’t been printed for a couple of years now. A new team is needed to learn the ropes from the previous editor. The network of distributers and deliverers needs to be reactivated.

Chapelton solar panels – permission for all south facing solar panels (visible from the A92) have been rejected by the developers. There was general consternation that a minority and outdated view that solar panels ‘spoil’ the aesthetic of the new town was preventing householders from opting for an eco-friendly electricity source. “When does a community become a community, not just a vision of the developer?”

Blairs development – footbridge to the north side of the river still not being progressed. A condition of planning for the new houses was a footbridge over the river. There has been no response from the developers to residents to enquiries about the timetable for getting this built. The CC will write to both the planning department and Muirs for more information, and to request a public meeting on this issue.

Deer poaching – two separate incidents have come to the attention of the CC, one of which was reported to the police.

Plant sale – the annual plant sale will restart in spring 2023. Start thinking now about splitting your plants in preparation!

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