Waste Management Working Group – update

Bin exchange Aug 22 – early 2023

‘Diamond’ bins need to be replaced. We are the only area in Scotland still using these, so they need to be swapped out for the kind everyone else uses, that way south Aberdeenshire doesn’t need its own fleet of bin lorries that can’t be used elsewhere. These bins are coming to the end of their projected 15 year lifespan anyway.

This process will be slow, so it’s starting in the rural areas at the end of August, gradually making its way to the coastal urban areas. This is to take advantage of decent weather in the harder-to-reach routes.

Old bins will be shredded and recycled into new bins.

There will be plenty of advertising in the run up to the bin swap, including letters sent to residents two weeks beforehand. The company replacing the bins will be working in tandem with the regular bin lorry and crew, following directly behind them on their route. Your current bin will be emptied, then immediately replaced. It is very important that your bin is left out on these replacement days, even if it’s empty. Workers will be actively looking for bins, but obviously problems will be caused if they cannot locate and replace your bin on the day.

Bins will be replaced on their normal collection days, so you will have two consecutive weeks when you’ll need to put the appropriate bin out so that it can be replaced with the new style. THIS IS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE 3 WEEKLY COLLECTIONS. This is a separate project, purely concerned with swapping out your current black and blue-lidded bins. I don’t have any information yet on when the orange-lidded bins will arrive.

3 WEEKLY COLLECTIONS: you can find the latest press release here: Aberdeenshire Council progresses Spring 2023 launch of enhanced household recycling service – Aberdeenshire Council As you can see, there will be no changes in our area until sometime in 2023. I’ll share more information nearer the time.

Rollout March to November 2023

Finally, a few notes on other items discussed.

  • The Ness energy project is progressing well. This is a joint project with Aberdeen City and Moray.
  • The deposit return scheme (for glass bottles) is now due to begin in August 2023. After this time, there will be a review of which glass recycling facilities are still needed. https://depositreturnscheme.zerowastescotland.org.uk/
  • Tyres are now accepted at the waste transfer station in MacDuff. They will soon (no date provided) be accepted at the stations in Ellon and Banchory.
  • Hybrid system for recycling centres will be trialled, after consultation with Area Committees.

6 thoughts on “Waste Management Working Group – update

  1. David Lansdell says:

    Who dreams this nonsense up, who has room for three bins. Perhaps we need to start charging the council ground rent, for the bin space taken up.

    • melsullivan says:

      Alternative arrangements will be made for households with no space for a third bin. There are still trials to be carried out before a decision on this is taken.

  2. Ian Bennett says:

    Presumably one of the bins will now take glass bottles like every other Scottish council. Which bin will be used for glass bottles?

    • melsullivan says:

      Not every council collects glass. I’ll see if I can put together an article explaining why Aberdeenshire has the system it does, and what other Scottish councils do in comparison. Might take a week or two.

  3. Colin Fyfe says:

    Totally against this three bin set up, I don’t have room for three bins and like most folk, I separate stuff indoors before bringing it out to the outside bins, certainly don’t have room indoors to do this and still no glass collection.
    Aberdeenshire council getting worse as years go on.

    • melsullivan says:

      Alternative arrangements will be made for households with no space for a third bin. There are still trials to be carried out before a decision on this is taken.

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